CINDY I 53 & going strong.


It is my honor today to feature CINDY!

Cindy is 53 years of age, a mother of 2 girls, and a grandma to a sweet one year old boy. She’s been married for almost 33 years and her husband is a retired sailor. That military lifestyle gave them the opportunity to live in London for 4 years. She absolutely loved being immersed in the culture and traveling in Europe.

She says she was “very much a tomboy” growing up and that she’d rather be outside getting dirty than play dress up. I’m so glad she played dress up with us!

Cindy’s father passing away very young and her daughter leaving for college made her realize there is more to life than working herself to death. She also realized she was indeed raising a very successful young woman. These events are what pushed her to make a change in her life that has affected her in so many ways. It began with her decision to take her health and wellness into her own hands; her journey in 2013 at the age of 45 and she’s still going strong today!!! Cindy is now a CrossFit aficionado and the CrossFit community has given her more confidence in the way she carries herself.


Her friends and family describe Cindy as shy; it isn’t until she’s comfortable that she comes out of her shell. Cindy is very excited as she looks forward to retiring with her husband to travel around the world together freely.

A myth she’d like to bust about being over 40 is that things are NOT all downhill after 40. It’s just a new chapter to write your own story! Cheers to that, Cindy.

Her advice to the younger generation “Enjoy life & don’t worry about what other people think of you.”

With this photo session she wants to show that women over 40 should be admired as much, if not more, than their younger counterparts. Life does not end because we hit a certain age. Her favorite saying is “Age is only a number.”

Cindy, thank you for your wisdom and thank you for sharing your story with us. You are one strong, beautiful, and smart woman.

Much love,
