HELEN I 87 - I feel confident now and I have always felt beautiful.


I’m beyond excited to have HELEN in the spotlight today. I love getting to know these incredible women who participate in my 40 over 40 photo sessions. I told Helen she was going to be the QUEEN among all of my 40 over 40 participants.

Meet Helen, she is 87 years young, a mother of four children and she has one grandchild. She is looking forward to her grandson getting married and giving her a great-grandchild. Her goal is to live until at least 100 years old.

One of the most significant times in her life was when she realized she would have to raise four children without a husband so, she had to develop a plan. She refused to go on welfare; she got a job and asked her mother to come with them to their new home. Together both of them gave her children happy memories. Through this significant decision, she became stronger and she blossomed in her later years.

Her values have not changed as she continuously values her relationship with her heavenly Father; she could not have done what she has done without Him.

When I asked how her friends and family describe her she said, “Frankly, I could care less what any others think or how they describe me. Those who I care about know me so I don't have to concern myself with how they describe me.”

Her bucket list has always been short. One item on the list was to have a meaningful relationship and she was blessed to meet a wonderful man, her husband, Andy who has since passed away. If she could breathe life into her husband, she would.

Her goals are to live to be 100 years old and to see her great-grandchild.

The myth she would like to bust is that you are never over the hill at any age. She realizes you have many things to accomplish at each stage of life. You are not old or over the hill unless you decide to be that way. Every stage of life is a new beginning for everyone.

She doesn't have one piece of advice for the younger generation, she has two, “Learn to listen and speak less. Problems will come, but you have a choice on how you choose to respond. Find a way to be encouraged or accept being discouraged and miss the opportunity to learn and grow.”

Her daughter wanted her to have this photo session and she was curious to see what the camera sees. The camera doesn't lie, she said.

Dear Helen, I hope you are able to see the beauty I see, the beauty everyone sees. You are one strong, resilient, and courageous woman.

Much love,
