LAURA I 54 - Loves to laugh and smile...





Each story I share from a client is unique. Each story is so beautiful and touching. I receive so much wisdom from each one of these incredible women I get to meet and photograph. What a wonderful job I have!

Meet Laura, she is 54 years old, a kind, loving, business owner, wife, mother, and a wonderful friend.

Here’s Laura’s interview:

Laura, share a little bit about yourself.

I’m a beach girl, wife, mom, business owner, and joy broker. People tell me I light up a room with love and kindness… I’m not so sure. But I love my newfound business selling vintage, antique and unique home decor. The best part of my biz is seeing my customers so happy with their purchases.

coastal living, home decor, personal branding

Laura’s beautiful coastal home decorated by her.

What have been some significant points of change in your life so far? How did those significant points change you?

My parents divorced when I was 5, and that event changed me forever. I grew up in an all female home. I have had a lot of therapy bc of it, too. When I married and had my babies I lived in an all male home.. what a change! Now I’m at a different stage as my hubby and I are empty nesters. It’s fantastic to be able to focus on the things I love and spend time doing fun things with my sweet hubby.

Have your values changed over time? What do you value now?

Yes! I truly value my family, friends that get me, genuine kindness, and finding joy in the everyday.

What’s something fun that you’ve checked off your bucket list?

Going on a cruise with Oprah Winfrey and her best friend Gayle.

Is there a myth you’d like to bust about being a woman over 40?

Life doesn’t end, it begins.

What piece of advice do you have for the younger generation?

You are beautiful so be confident. Choose who and what you want and stop trying to always please others.

At 54, Laura feels confident and beautiful; she wanted these photos to reflect that. Additionally, she is celebrating that she’s doing what she loves, sharing with others her passion for decor and antiques.

It’s an honor and a privileged to have been able to capture these images for her! All images were taken at her beautiful coastal home which has been decorated by her.

If you’d like to shop for her great finds you can go to her website The house of Hanbury or find her Instagram @thehouseofhanbury or Facebook The house of Hanbury

Much Love,
